Trusfolio note

Erard Industrie

With Komin, Erard Industrie creates engaging operating procedures and product sheets to train its operators more quickly in the processes involved.

Contexte & Enjeux

About Erard Industrie

ERARD® Industrie co-develops and manufactures metal-based products for ERARD® Group companies and third-party companies as part of its industrial subcontracting activities. Its 15,000 m² plant is located in Chavanoz, in the Isère region of France.

Erard Industrie's challenges

As Erard Industrie modified its product range, it needed to quickly document its product sheets and operating procedures in formats that were agile and engaging for production line operators:

  • Speed up and simplify the formalization of operating procedures.
  • Create videos on your own to demonstrate operations that are difficult to explain using photos.
  • Enable team leaders to create their own operating procedures.


In just a few weeks, Komin accelerated the digitization of operating procedures with formats previously inaccessible to Erard Industrie. ‍

10x faster

10 operating modes created in 1 week, compared with 1 before.

Easier to read

Images and videos are easier for teams to view.

Fewer errors

The instructions are more visual and less open to interpretation.

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"Avec Komin, nous avons documenté nos modes opératoires 10x rapidement qu'avec le papier"
- J. Cerruti (Responsable Méthodes & Industrialisation)

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